Is Vietnamese language hard to learn? This question often lingers in the minds of those intrigued by the complexities of this beautiful Southeast Asian...
Foreigners in Vietnam need the following documents: visa paper, visa exemption certificate, temporary residence card, and permanent residence card. However,...
One of the concerns of foreigners when considering living in Vietnam is whether to choose between two big cities, Hanoi or Saigon. So, today’s article...
When Vietnam begins to reopen international tourism after many months of the border closure, perhaps Vietnam vaccine passports may be the most searched...
According to documents from a representative of the American Institute of Education, there are currently 4 important factors that govern the brand value...
If you are about to accept an offer for teaching in Vietnam, you will typically be employed in one of three possible settings: 1. public school, via...
It would not be far-reaching to state that most people find it hard to integrate and work in other countries. Especially in the teaching profession, as...
English, from being just a little-known language and sometimes was the “second-choice” option of language students, only more than a decade,...
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