Vietnam Teaching Jobs Feed (RSS/XML)

Use our public RSS feed to get the latest listings from Vietnam Teaching Jobs

Fill your teaching job board with listings from Vietnam Teaching Jobs

Feel free to utilize our public RSS feed to supplement other job boards.

The feed is available to anyone, but we kindly request that you provide a link back to the URL originating from Vietnam Teaching Jobs and acknowledge Vietnam Teaching Jobs as the primary source.

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With our feed, you can conveniently keep track of the most recent teaching job listings. Simply add the feed’s URL to your preferred content aggregator.

Vietnam Teaching Jobs RSS Feed

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a web feed that provides a standardized, computer-readable format for users and applications to access website updates.

You can locate our public RSS feed, featuring our 100 latest job listings, at the following link:

What fields are supplied in your RSS feed?

We supply the following fields in our RSS:

  • title: Job title
  • id: Reference number
  • closing_date: Application deadline
  • source: Name of the company / employer
  • location: Location of work
  • country
  • description: Detailed description of the job
  • jobtype: Job type (part-time, full-time, etc.)
  • url: path of the job


If you require a custom feed tailored to your website or have any questions, please contact us at