Living & Teaching Arrangements

Before you come to teach English in Vietnam, make sure you research the location, find out all of infomation about your school/language center, laws and political landscape of your host country. You should prepare a back up plan in case unforeseen troubles in living and teaching.

Teaching English in Vietnam is a great opportunity with many challenges so you need to make arrangements carefully before applying for a job. If you’re planning your trip to Vietnam, then it’s not wasting your time to know briefly what to prepare for the perfect trip:

Applying for your visa (if you’re staying longer than 15 days)

The first thing you will be worried about is a visa and a passport. With a passport, if you do not have one, you should do it 2 months before you go, and in case you already have it, make sure you have a period of more than 3 months. But to make sure your passport is only 3 months out, you should go to make a new passport to make sure.

The Government of Vietnam doesn’t make it too easy for you to enter their country. In fact, if you’re exceeding 15 days here, the process is down right tedious, but it’s necessary nonetheless. Make sure you start this process a couple of weeks before you travel at the latest. Fortunately there are so many companies do visa for you online for a small fee.

Making enquiries about the city that you planned to live in

Moving to live in another country can be the hardest decision in our life, specially in Vietnam. You have to make sure to choose the right place to live and start your new career. You probably want to be close to the beach, or mountain, perhaps you love big cities and crowded markets. How about a city that is rich in culture but also lively and modern? There are a lot of factors to consider before hopping on that plane. Ho Chi Minh city, Hanoi, Danang or Nha Trang are some of those cities where you can teach and experience famous landscapes with a lowers cost of living if you know the right way to use to money.

Downloading some of useful Mobile apps in Vietnam

There are a lots of strange and hard things may cause some inconveniences for expats when they choose to move to live in Vietnam. By using mobile apps, expats can plan everything easily and those apps will help you get along with Vietnam’s lifestyle and culture.

Buying a SIM card to contact other people

Doing research on local SIM cards before traveling to another country is a must-do because it would make your trip more convenient with easy access to local networks, to make a quick phone call or sent messages in urgent situations. Local SIM cards can be used on most unlocked phones from Europe, Asia and Australia and some unlocked phones from North America.

The SIM card itself costs 50,000 VND ($2.20), without credit.There are many types of local SIM card brands with different uses in Vietnam. In this blog, we only share the 3 main mobile internet providers in Vietnam:

  • Viettel
  • Vinaphone
  • MobiFone

Finding an ideal accommondation (apartment/house/rooms)

Before moving to another country to live and start a new life, you should take a look at finding an ideal house or apartment, specially in Vietnam. We live in our homes so we fill them with memories. Time and energy spent in a house will help to elleviate the importance of the property. We eat, sleep, feel safe, laugh and cry in our homes and that makes them really important to us. They become part of our identity.

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    There are so many types of housing in Vietnam so you need to be sure which one is the best choice for you.

    Preparing for ESL teaching certificate/Degree/Diploma

    To teach English in Vietnam, you’ll need a degree, and a minimum of Professional TEFL/TESOL/CELTA certificate (120 Hours); although our 140 Hour Combined TEFL Course is preferred if you have no experience of teaching. You’ll need your BA certificate and your TEFL certificate to get your Visa.

    TESOL is short for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages and is sometimes referred to as a TEFL certificate (Teaching English as a Foreign Language). With a TESOL certificate, you show the schools you’re applying to that you know how to teach. From lesson planning and classroom management to theory and pedagogical techniques. There are two ways to do your TESOL training: In-class and online courses. Both generally require at least 120 hours of training in order to become certified.

    If you are looking for a ESL Teaching position in Vietnam but do not have a TESOL certificate, you can create one online on  International Open Academy

    Work permit in Vietnam

    If you plan to work as a English teacher in Vietnam in more than 3 months, you will need to have a work permit. This should ideally be applied 15 days by the employer with the provincial Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs (MoLISA) before the foreign teacher commences their employment. Work permit processing times take up to 10 business days.

    Are you facing difficulties in finding and securing teaching positions in Vietnam? Are visa procedures causing you trouble? Feeling overwhelmed and directionless upon your arrival in Vietnam for teaching assignments? Don’t worry, VTJ’s English Teaching Placement in Vietnam (EPIV) Program 2024 provides comprehensive support to solve ALL the matters.

    👉👉👉 Click HERE to request free consultation


    Vietnam Teaching Jobs (VTJ), which was founded in 2012 is a well-established platform for teachers to find their dream teaching job in Vietnam. Covering the entirety of the country, we have successfully paired thousands of happy teachers and schools. Be part of the thousands of happy teachers working in Vietnam, register and apply for your dream job today!

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    Author Details
    Vietnam Teaching Jobs (VTJ), which was founded in 2012 is a well-established platform for teachers to find their dream teaching job in Vietnam. Covering the entirety of the country, we have successfully paired thousands of happy teachers and schools. Be part of the thousands of happy teachers working in Vietnam, register and apply for your dream job today!