Starting a new life in Vietnam can be exciting and daunting at the same time. It is no doubt that foreign teachers will face culture shock when they first...
Before you come to teach English in Vietnam, make sure you research the location, find out all of infomation about your school/language center, laws and...
Before moving to another country to live and start a new life, you should take a look at finding an ideal house or apartment, specially in Vietnam. We...
Doing research on local SIM cards before traveling to another country is a must-do because it would make your trip more convenient with easy access to...
Cost of living in Ho Chi Minh city 2019
One of the most important things that expats should consider when they have decided to move to Vietnam is the cost...
Danang is known as one of the most vibrant and attractive city in the central of Vietnam. Because Danang has both beautiful...
Are you thinking about a trip to Vietnam or even living in Vietnam? Then these information below will be very useful for your upcoming journey.
1. Cross...
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