5 Best Practices for Supporting Student Well-Being in an International School Setting

International schools offer a unique educational experience typically focused on global issues and incorporating teaching practices from around the world. True to their name, they also often feature a diverse student body with varying cultural and linguistic backgrounds. Such a learning environment, while unquestionably rich and dynamic, can pose significant adjustment challenges for children. Adapting to different teaching styles and new social norms can initially unsettle students, which may, in turn, impact their academic performance and social interactions.

Despite these difficulties, however, the benefits of attending an international school in Singapore, the United States, or any other country are substantial. Students are immersed in a multicultural environment that encourages social awareness and enhances cross-cultural communication. The social context of an international school prepares students to thrive in a highly globalized, interconnected adult world.

This article is designed to provide parents with targeted strategies to support their children in navigating the complexities of international schooling. Applying these tips can help you enhance your child’s educational journey and support their success and happiness in these diverse settings.

International School Setting 1 min

Involve Yourself in the School Community

Getting involved with the community at your child’s school is one of the best ways to understand and support their experience. Consider attending school functions, joining the parent-teacher association, or volunteering for extracurricular activities, as these pursuits will grant you firsthand insight into the school’s cultural dynamics and educational methods. Your participation will help you advocate effectively for your child’s needs. It will also build a bridge between home and school life, which is essential for your child’s adjustment and well-being.

Furthermore, your participation shows your child that you value their education and are committed to helping them have a good school life, which can boost their motivation and confidence. Assisting with school events or projects allows you to interact with teachers and other parents. Over time, you’ll build a support network that can be invaluable for navigating any challenges that arise.

Encourage Cultural Adaptation and Integration

Encourage Cultural Adaptation and Integration

To help your child thrive in a multicultural setting, actively encourage them to engage with different cultures within the school. This can be through simple activities like sharing a meal with peers from different backgrounds or joining clubs that celebrate different cultures. These experiences allow children to appreciate and understand the value of diverse perspectives, and they can also strengthen their sense of belonging in a diverse community.

It may also be very beneficial to encourage your child to learn a new language offered at the school or to participate in exchange programs. Language skills can enhance their ability to communicate with peers and understand different cultural contexts, while exchange programs give them the opportunity to learn about different cultures from firsthand experience. Such proactive engagement helps children view cultural diversity as a resource for learning and growth rather than a hurdle.

Help Them Build Strong Social Connections

Strong relationships are vital for a child’s happiness and success in any school setting, but they are particularly crucial in international schools where students may feel isolated due to cultural and language differences. Encourage your child to participate in extracurricular activities such as sports, music, or art clubs that align with their interests. These activities provide a relaxed environment for making friends, and they can thus help your child express themselves and find their niche in a new setting.

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    You can also facilitate social interactions by organizing playdates or small gatherings with classmates at your home. These interactions allow children to connect in a familiar environment, which can be less intimidating than the school setting. Attending school social events with your child, meanwhile, can help you both build a broader social network—an especially valuable source of support and reassurance if you’ve just relocated to a new place.

    Maintain Routine and Stability

    The transient nature of international school communities, with students often coming and going, can be stressful for children to deal with. Maintain a consistent daily routine at home to help your child feel more stable and secure. Establish regular schedules for meals, homework, and bedtime; these can help mitigate the disruptions that come with frequent changes in their school environment. You may also want to routinely spend quality time together as a family through activities like shared dinners and storytime, as regular time with family has been proven to boost children’s socio-emotional health.

    Moreover, a stable routine should include regular check-ins to discuss school life and any concerns they may have. These conversations can reassure your child that they can manage and thrive amidst changes. Help them organize their schoolwork and plan their week to reduce stress and build their confidence in managing their responsibilities.

    Familiarize Yourself with the School’s Support Services

    International schools typically offer a range of support services to help students adjust and succeed. Take the time to educate yourself about these resources, which can include academic tutoring, psychological counseling, and language support services. If you understand what is available and how to access these services, you’ll be well-equipped to support your child through any challenges they might face.

    Encourage your child to use these services if needed. If they are struggling with a new language, enrolling them in additional language classes provided by the school, like a foundational academic English program, for example, can make their daily interactions and learning much more manageable. If they seem to be experiencing emotional or social difficulties, as is common for children who have only just moved to a new place, consider reaching out to the school counselor. These professionals can provide support and strategies to help your child settle into their environment effectively.

    Supporting your child in an international school setting is an investment in their ability to thrive in a diverse and ever-changing world. By embracing this unique educational journey alongside them, you empower them to build resilience and a global mindset that will benefit them throughout their lives.


    Vietnam Teaching Jobs (VTJ), which was founded in 2012 is a well-established platform for teachers to find their dream teaching job in Vietnam. Covering the entirety of the country, we have successfully paired thousands of happy teachers and schools. Be part of the thousands of happy teachers working in Vietnam, register and apply for your dream job today!

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    Vietnam Teaching Jobs (VTJ), which was founded in 2012 is a well-established platform for teachers to find their dream teaching job in Vietnam. Covering the entirety of the country, we have successfully paired thousands of happy teachers and schools. Be part of the thousands of happy teachers working in Vietnam, register and apply for your dream job today!