Trường phổ thông Duy Tân

Company Location: 04 Nguyễn Hữu Thọ, Phường 9, TP. Tuy Hòa, Phú Yên

Company Details

"Duy Tan school, established by the Phu Yen Alumni Association, has been offering  multi-level education from elementary to high school. Founded in 2002, after more than 22 years of formation and development, the school has become a distinguished institution in Phu Yen province and is recognized as one of the top quality and prestigious schools in the Central Vietnam. Notably, it has affirmed its pioneering and leading position in curriculum innovation and educational philosophy within the Vietnamese school system.

Duy Tan school prioritizes investment in a highly qualified teaching staff and continuously develops academic programs, soft skills training, foreign language courses (English, Japanese), international informatics programs, and character education to cultivate a generation of elite, dyamic, civilized, globally intergrated Vietnamese citizens who inherit good traditional values.

Students are not only equipped with academic knowledge but also trained in learning skills, critical thinking, community engagement, leadership and essential life skills. They develop strong personal qualities and attitudes, embodying global citizenship while maintaining a deep appreciation for Vietnamese cultural identity and national pride.

In addition to academic and sports activities , the school leads in organizing life skills development activities, team building activities , food festivals , and movement-based activities to foster solidarity and inspire a positive and dynamic spirit among learners.”

Beyond academics and sports, the school leads in organizing life skills development activities, sports events, group games, food festivals, and movement-based activities for all grade levels. These initiatives foster teamwork, enhance student engagement, and cultivate a positive, energetic spirit among learners.