Not Contacted by Recruiters?
Get VIP Applicant Package and get enjoy the top exposure to recruiters through preferred display of application!
2 weeks
- 2 weeks
- Highlight your job application to attract recruiters
- Highlight your resume
- Resume review & advise to update for attract employers
- Your resume is displayed on the top-application section when recruiters search for applicants
- Enjoy FREE consultation about Visa/WP/TRC for an expat teacher working in Vietnam (our consultant can schedule a session with 45 minutes if needed)
- Support to find houses/apartments in Vietnam; flight tickets, etc.
1 months
- 1 month
- Highlight your job application to attract recruiters
- Highlight your resume
- Resume review & advise to update for attract employers
- Your resume is displayed on the top-application section when recruiters search for applicants
- Enjoy FREE consultation about Visa/WP/TRC for an expat teacher working in Vietnam (our consultant can schedule a session with 45 minutes if needed)
- Support to find houses/apartments in Vietnam; flight tickets, etc.
2 months
- 2 months
- Highlight your job application to attract recruiters
- Highlight your resume
- Resume review & advise to update for attract employers
- Your resume is displayed on the top-application section when recruiters search for applicants
- Enjoy FREE consultation about Visa/WP/TRC for an expat teacher working in Vietnam (our consultant can schedule a session with 45 minutes if needed)
- Support to find houses/apartments in Vietnam; flight tickets, etc.
- Support in finding the preferred positions and other suitable job offers
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
You should:
- Have basic documents required in Vietnam for processing work permit/visa: Degree (in Education or other major), teaching certificate (Tesol / TEFL / Celta, etc). View TESOL Courses
- English proficiency certificate if any (For non-native teachers, such as IELTs / C1)
- At least 6 -month teaching experience (Preferred)
There are 2 payment methods when buying VIP Applicant service at VTJ’s website:
- Bank transfer: Complete your payment by online banking. You will enter the purpose of the transfer in the “transfer content” field as a reference for payment. Your order will be activated once we confirm receipt of payment from you.
- Paypal: You will pay the service package through Paypal and the service package will be activated automatically after successful payment.
You will receive an account activation email after successful payment confirmation.
Deadline information including start and end dates will be displayed on the My Dashboard page.
You will see all purchased services in your Payment history.
- We have the HOT deal in February,2024 for teachers (applied in the Quotation)
- Teacher will be notified of any VTJ’s informative webinars/ events to attend