Best teaching methods for Vietnamese children that you should know

English has become the most common language in the world. Therefore, the children have been given access to English by their parents from a young age. The problem is that, in primary school,  can teachers or parents create excitement for children in learning English?

I. Make the class more fun with games:

220-patithin_1We have all modern facilities to apply for teaching but a useful game in learning English can always do the trick. Here are some games that you can take into consideration:

1. Simon says:
This game is very easy to play and is very popular for a lot of English teachers in Vietnam. Teachers or parents can apply this game to teach them new vocabulary about body parts or to understand the meaning of prepositions (prepositions).

* Rule:

– Teachers (parents) will be the first speaker “Simon says”.

– Students will ask again: “Say what?”

– Then the teacher answered according to the structure: “Simon says …….”

For example, the teacher (parent) wants them to learn the vocabulary of the human body, saying “Simon says touch your nose”.

Right now, the students will have to determine what the word “nose” means and start touching “nose” so we can go through the game to teach them new vocabulary.

2. The Memory Game
In order to learn a new grammatical structure, English teachers in Vietnam can apply elementary English teaching methods through a “memory” game.

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    * Rules of the game: teachers will start by saying a sample sentence, then in the order of seats or names in the list, the students will have to repeat the saying of the previous speaker before speaking their sentence. The difficulty of this game will gradually increase with the number of students.

    This game has just helped them to improve their vocabulary and help them memorize a new grammatical structure longer.

    II. Bring creativity into building lessons and teaching:

    PR-4In order to have a good method of teaching, the content of the lesson must be carefully cared for and the way of teaching should change regularly so as not to cause any boredom for students.

    For lesson content, find more lessons in textbooks, instead of choosing a long reading, English teachers in Vietnam can also choose a poem to inspire them. Providing more illustrative images for children. Listening to music and watching video clips is also a good way for them to easily acquire knowledge.

    In terms of teaching methods, teachers should be flexible in developing exercises with teamwork, pairs or groups of 3, 5 children. Regular seat changes will also help children gain a new interest in learning English.
    III. Do not make any pressure on them

    PJ-BX043_WORKFA_GR_20140909173122The final and the most important thing for English teachers in Vietnam is that you don’t make any pressure on the kids. They are all young students, still very playful so try to make their learning gentle. Do not put any pressure on them in learning especially because learning English is a new language, it takes time for them to get used to and learn. Furthermore, if you put pressure on them, learning English will become a nightmare for the students. Therefore, every teacher should make the process of learning English as much enjoyable as possible for their students

    Are you facing difficulties in finding and securing teaching positions in Vietnam? Are visa procedures causing you trouble? Feeling overwhelmed and directionless upon your arrival in Vietnam for teaching assignments? Don’t worry, VTJ’s English Teaching Placement in Vietnam (EPIV) Program 2024 provides comprehensive support to solve ALL the matters.

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