15 Best Skills to Put on Your Resume and Impress Employers

When it comes to crafting a resume, highlighting your skills is crucial to catch the attention of potential employers. While showcasing your work experience and education are important, your skills can set you apart from other applicants. However, with so many skills to choose from, it can be overwhelming to determine which ones to include. In this article, VTJ has compiled a list of the 15 best skills to put on your resume that are sure to impress employers and help you land the job you want.

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15 Best Skills to Put on Your Resume

1. Active listening skills

Active listening skill is one of the best resume skills that are highly valued by employers

Active listening skill is one of the best resume skills that are highly valued by employers

Active listening skills are an essential set of skills that are highly valued by employers across a variety of industries. Active listening is the process of fully engaging in a conversation, both verbally and non-verbally, in order to understand and retain the information being shared. This involves paying close attention to the speaker, asking clarifying questions, and providing appropriate feedback.

Incorporating active listening skills on your resume shows potential employers that you are not only able to communicate effectively but also possess the ability to build strong relationships and collaborate with others. This skill set is highly sought after by employers in fields such as customer service, sales, education, and healthcare, among others.

In addition to helping you stand out as a candidate, developing active listening skills can also lead to more productive and meaningful interactions in both your personal and professional life. Some key components of active listening include being present at the moment, showing empathy and respect, and maintaining an open mind. By developing these skills, you can improve your ability to communicate, build stronger relationships, and achieve greater success in your career.

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2. Communication skills

Effective communication skills are best resume skills in almost every industry and job position

Effective communication skills are best resume skills in almost every industry and job position

Effective communication skills are best resume skills in almost every industry and job position. Being able to convey ideas, information, and instructions clearly and effectively is a highly sought-after skill by employers. Communication skills can include both verbal and written communication, as well as non-verbal cues such as body language and tone of voice.

To showcase your communication skills on your resume, it is important to highlight specific examples of how you have used your communication skills in previous work experiences. This could include situations where you have resolved conflicts, negotiated deals, presented to clients or stakeholders, or collaborated with team members.

Some specific communication skills to highlight on your resume could include active listening, public speaking, written communication, and interpersonal skills. Active listening involves being fully engaged in a conversation and demonstrating your understanding of the speaker’s message. Public speaking involves presenting information to a large group of people, whether it be in a formal presentation or in a more informal setting. Written communication involves being able to write clearly and concisely, whether it be in emails, reports, or other forms of written correspondence. Interpersonal skills involve being able to work well with others, build relationships, and resolve conflicts in a constructive manner.

Employers value strong communication skills because they are crucial for building relationships with clients, customers, and colleagues. By showcasing your communication skills on your resume, you can demonstrate your ability to effectively communicate in a professional setting and stand out as a top candidate for the job.

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3. Computer skills

In today's job market, having strong computer skills is essential to stand out from the competition

In today’s job market, having strong computer skills is essential to stand out from the competition

In today’s job market, having strong computer skills is essential to stand out from the competition. These best resume skills include a variety of technical abilities, such as proficiency in software applications, programming languages, and digital tools.

Some important computer skills to highlight on your resume include proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite, including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, as well as experience with other popular software programs like Adobe Creative Suite, Google Suite, and project management tools such as Trello and Asana. If you have experience in coding or programming languages, make sure to include that on your resume as well.

In addition to technical skills, it’s also important to demonstrate your ability to learn and adapt to new technologies quickly. This can include experience with remote collaboration tools like Zoom and Slack, as well as proficiency in data analysis and visualization tools like Tableau or PowerBI.

Overall, highlighting your computer skills on your resume can demonstrate your ability to use technology to improve efficiency, problem-solve, and communicate effectively in the modern workplace.

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4. Customer service skills

Customer service skills are essential for any job that requires interaction with clients or customers

Customer service skills are essential for any job that requires interaction with clients or customers

Customer service skills are essential for any job that requires interaction with clients or customers. These best resume skills involve listening to the customer, understanding their needs, and providing them with appropriate solutions. Employers value customer service skills because they contribute to building and maintaining strong relationships with customers, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

When highlighting customer service skills on your resume, it’s important to provide specific examples of how you have used these skills in previous jobs. Some key customer service skills to include on your resume are empathy, problem-solving, patience, clear communication, and the ability to handle difficult situations with professionalism and diplomacy.

For instance, if you have experience working in a call center, you can mention how you effectively addressed customers’ concerns and complaints, resolved their issues, and provided them with satisfactory solutions. Additionally, if you have experience working in a retail or hospitality environment, you can mention how you provided exceptional customer service, anticipated customers’ needs, and created a positive customer experience.

By showcasing your customer service skills on your resume, you can demonstrate to potential employers that you have the ability to provide outstanding service to customers, which is a valuable asset in many industries.

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5. Interpersonal skills

Interpersonal skills are essential for any job that involves interacting with other people

Interpersonal skills are essential for any job that involves interacting with other people

Interpersonal skills, also known as people skills or soft skills, are essential for any job that involves interacting with other people. These best resume skills can make or break an employee’s success in the workplace. Interpersonal skills include the ability to communicate effectively, build relationships, and work well with others.

In the workplace, good interpersonal skills are critical for building strong relationships with coworkers, supervisors, and customers. Effective communication is a vital component of interpersonal skills and includes the ability to listen actively, express oneself clearly and confidently, and give and receive constructive feedback. Other important interpersonal skills include empathy, teamwork, leadership, conflict resolution, and cultural awareness.

Highlighting your interpersonal skills on your resume can make you stand out to potential employers. Emphasize any experiences you have had working in teams, providing customer service, or working in roles that require collaboration and communication. Use specific examples to demonstrate your skills, such as how you resolved a conflict with a coworker or successfully led a team project. By showcasing your interpersonal skills, you can demonstrate to employers that you are capable of working effectively with others and contributing to a positive workplace culture.

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6. Leadership skills

Leadership skills are best resume skills in the workplace and can set a candidate apart from the competition

Leadership skills are best resume skills in the workplace and can set a candidate apart from the competition (Source: https://www.digits.co.uk/)

Leadership skills are best resume skills in the workplace and can set a candidate apart from the competition. Employers want to see that you have the ability to guide, inspire, and manage a team effectively. Some leadership skills to highlight on your resume include decision-making, problem-solving, delegation, and communication.

Decision-making is an important leadership skill because it shows that you are able to evaluate options and make informed choices. Employers want someone who can think critically and make decisions confidently. Problem-solving is another critical leadership skill. Employers want to know that you can analyze situations, identify potential issues, and find solutions.

Delegation is also an important leadership skill because it shows that you can effectively assign tasks and responsibilities to others, while also trusting them to complete those tasks successfully. Finally, communication is essential in leadership, as it involves the ability to convey ideas clearly and effectively, listen actively, and provide feedback to your team.

Highlighting your leadership skills on your resume can be a powerful way to demonstrate your potential to employers. Be sure to provide specific examples of how you have demonstrated leadership in the past, such as leading a team project or mentoring a colleague. By doing so, you can show that you have the skills necessary to be an effective leader in any workplace.

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7. Management skills

Management skills are highly valued by employers across various industries

Management skills are highly valued by employers across various industries

Management skills are highly valued by employers across various industries. These best resume skills include the ability to plan, organize, lead, and control tasks and projects effectively. If you possess these skills, highlighting them on your resume can help you stand out from other candidates.

To demonstrate your management skills on your resume, you can mention examples of successful projects or teams that you have led, along with quantifiable results. You can also include any relevant training or certifications you have obtained in areas such as project management, leadership development, or process improvement.

Another important management skill is the ability to delegate tasks effectively. Employers want to know that you can assign responsibilities to team members and trust them to complete them successfully. This demonstrates your confidence in your team’s abilities and allows you to focus on higher-level tasks.

Finally, effective communication is an essential aspect of management skills. Employers want to know that you can communicate effectively with team members, clients, and stakeholders, whether in-person or via digital channels. Clear and concise communication can help prevent misunderstandings and ensure that everyone is on the same page.

In summary, management skills are highly valued in the job market, and highlighting them on your resume can make you a more attractive candidate. Be sure to provide specific examples and quantifiable results to showcase your success in managing projects, delegating tasks, and communicating effectively.

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8. Problem-solving skills

Problem-solving skills are best resume skills that are highly valued by employers in every industry

Problem-solving skills are best resume skills that are highly valued by employers in every industry

Problem-solving skills are best resume skills that are highly valued by employers in every industry. Being able to analyze situations, identify potential obstacles, and develop effective solutions is a critical skill for success in any role. Problem-solving skills demonstrate that you are proactive, resourceful, and able to think critically.

To showcase your problem-solving skills on your resume, consider providing specific examples of how you have overcome challenges in previous positions. You could discuss a particularly difficult project you completed or a complicated customer issue you resolved. By providing concrete examples of how you have used problem-solving skills, you will demonstrate to potential employers that you are capable of handling difficult situations.

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    Additionally, make sure to highlight any tools or methods you have used to approach problem-solving. This could include using data analysis or employing a structured problem-solving process. Showcasing your problem-solving skills on your resume will help you stand out as a candidate who can provide solutions and create value for your potential employer.

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    9. Time management skills

    Time management skills are best resume skills, as they are critical for meeting deadlines and achieving objectives

    Time management skills are best resume skills, as they are critical for meeting deadlines and achieving objectives

    Time management skills are best resume skills that are highly valued in the workplace, as they are critical for meeting deadlines and achieving objectives. If you can demonstrate strong time management skills on your resume, it will show employers that you are a reliable and efficient worker. Some examples of time management skills include the ability to prioritize tasks, manage your schedule effectively, and avoid procrastination.

    When putting time management skills on your resume, be sure to provide specific examples of how you have applied these skills in the past. For example, you might mention a project that you completed ahead of schedule, or how you were able to balance multiple tasks and deadlines at once. Additionally, it’s important to highlight any tools or techniques that you use to manage your time effectively, such as calendar apps or time-blocking strategies.

    Overall, showcasing strong time management skills on your resume is an excellent way to impress employers and increase your chances of landing your desired job.

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    10. Transferable skills

    Transferable skills are best resume skills that can be applied to different jobs and industries

    Transferable skills are best resume skills that can be applied to different jobs and industries

    Transferable skills are best resume skills that can be applied to different jobs and industries. They are essential skills that are not specific to a particular role or industry, and they can be transferred from one job to another. These skills are highly valued by employers, as they show that you can adapt to different situations and have a wide range of abilities.

    Some examples of transferable skills include communication skills, problem-solving skills, time management skills, leadership skills, and teamwork skills. These skills are important in almost any job, and they can help you stand out from other applicants. Employers want to hire candidates who have a diverse range of skills and experiences, as it shows that they are adaptable and can bring a unique perspective to the job.

    When including transferable skills on your resume, it’s important to tailor them to the job you are applying for. Look at the job description and identify the key skills and requirements. Then, highlight your transferable skills that match those requirements. Be specific and provide examples of how you have used these skills in the past, as this will help to demonstrate your capabilities.

    In addition, it’s important to develop your transferable skills throughout your career. You can do this by taking on new challenges and responsibilities, seeking out opportunities for professional development, and actively seeking feedback from colleagues and supervisors. By continually developing your transferable skills, you will become a more well-rounded and valuable employee, and you will be better positioned to advance your career in the future.

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    11. Team-work skills

    Teamwork skills are a crucial aspect of many jobs, and therefore an important skill to highlight on your resume

    Teamwork skills are a crucial aspect of many jobs, and therefore an important skill to highlight on your resume

    Teamwork skills are a crucial aspect of many jobs and industries, and therefore an important skill to highlight on your resume. Employers want to know that you are able to work collaboratively with others and contribute to a team environment. These best resume skills involve effective communication, flexibility, and the ability to solve problems as a group.

    When listing your teamwork skills on your resume, be sure to provide specific examples of times when you worked collaboratively with others. This could include group projects you completed in school, volunteer work you did with a team, or specific work experiences where you worked closely with colleagues to achieve a shared goal. Highlight any leadership roles you had within a team, as this shows that you can not only work collaboratively but also guide and motivate others toward a common goal.

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    12. Decision-making skills

    Employers are looking for employees who can make informed decisions quickly and effectively

    Employers are looking for employees who can make informed decisions quickly and effectively

    Decision-making skills are essential for individuals in any organization. Employers are looking for employees who can make informed decisions quickly and effectively. A strong decision-maker will take the time to gather information, analyze it, and consider all possible outcomes before making a choice. They are also able to weigh the risks and benefits of a particular decision and make a choice based on the information available.

    To demonstrate your decision-making skills on your resume, include examples of decisions you have made in the past and the process you went through to arrive at those decisions. Also, highlight the results of your decisions and how they positively impacted your organization. Be sure to use action verbs and specific details to show your ability to make sound judgments in a variety of situations.

    Examples of decision-making skills include analyzing data, identifying options, evaluating risks, considering the consequences of decisions, and communicating decisions to stakeholders. Other important decision-making skills include critical thinking, problem-solving, and the ability to prioritize tasks. By showcasing your decision-making abilities on your resume, you can impress potential employers and increase your chances of landing the job.

    13. Creativity

    Creativity is an essential skill that can set you apart from other job candidates

    Creativity is an essential skill that can set you apart from other job candidates

    Creativity is an essential skill that can set you apart from other job candidates. Employers value individuals who can come up with new and innovative ideas, think outside the box, and solve problems creatively. These best resume skills are highly sought after in many industries, including advertising, marketing, design, and technology. Demonstrating your creativity on your resume can show employers that you are a valuable asset to their organization.

    Some ways to showcase your creativity on your resume include highlighting any projects or accomplishments that required creative thinking, such as developing a new marketing campaign or designing a website. You can also include any creative hobbies or interests that demonstrate your ability to think creatively, such as painting, writing, or photography. Additionally, including any training or coursework related to creative thinking, such as design thinking or brainstorming techniques, can also help to demonstrate your creativity to potential employers.

    Remember that creativity is not just limited to artistic pursuits. It can also apply to problem-solving and thinking outside the box to find new solutions to challenges. When highlighting your creativity on your resume, be sure to focus on the specific ways in which you have used this skill to achieve positive results. By showcasing your creativity, you can demonstrate your value to potential employers and increase your chances of landing the job you want.

    14. Attention to Detail

    Attention to detail is a highly valuable skill in many industries and can make a big difference in your work performance. Employers are always looking for individuals who can spot errors or inconsistencies and take the time to ensure that tasks are completed accurately. This skill is especially important in fields such as finance, accounting, law, and healthcare, where even small errors can have significant consequences.

    When it comes to showcasing your attention to detail on your resume, make sure to include specific examples of how you have used this skill in your previous roles. For instance, you could highlight a project where you caught a mistake others had overlooked or explain how you developed a system to double-check your work before submitting it. Additionally, be sure to proofread your resume carefully and make sure that it is free of any errors or typos. This will demonstrate to potential employers that you take the time to ensure that your work is of the highest quality.

    15. Flexibility

    Flexibility is an important skill to have in the workplace, especially in today’s fast-paced and constantly changing environment. Being flexible means being able to adapt to new situations and work with changing circumstances without becoming overwhelmed or stressed. It also involves being open to new ideas and approaches and being willing to adjust your approach as needed.

    Employers value employees who are flexible because they are more likely to be able to handle unexpected changes in the workplace. This can include everything from adjusting to a new project timeline to dealing with a sudden shift in company priorities. Flexible employees are also often better able to work with others, as they are more willing to consider different perspectives and ideas.

    When highlighting your flexibility on your resume, focus on specific examples of times when you have been able to adapt to change in the workplace. For example, you could discuss a time when you took on a new responsibility at work, or when you were able to successfully manage a project despite unexpected challenges. By demonstrating your ability to be flexible, you can show potential employers that you are a valuable asset to their team.

    Hard skills vs. soft skills on a resume

    When creating a resume, it’s important to highlight both hard skills and soft skills. Hard skills are technical abilities that are typically learned through education or job experience, such as proficiency in a programming language or expertise in a specific software tool. Soft skills, on the other hand, are personal attributes that enable someone to interact effectively with others, such as communication, teamwork, and problem-solving.

    While hard skills are important to demonstrate your ability to perform specific tasks, soft skills are equally essential to show your potential to thrive in a team environment and contribute to the company culture. Employers are often looking for candidates who possess a combination of both hard and soft skills.

    When listing hard skills on your resume, it’s important to be specific and concise. Use industry-specific terms and provide evidence of your proficiency, such as certifications or awards. In contrast, when listing soft skills, use descriptive language and provide examples of how you have demonstrated these skills in previous roles. For example, instead of simply stating that you have strong communication skills, mention how you effectively communicated with a difficult client to resolve a problem.

    Ultimately, the combination of hard and soft skills on a resume can make you a more attractive candidate to potential employers. It shows that you have the technical skills to perform the job and the interpersonal skills to work collaboratively with others.

    Teacher example resume skills

    Hard Skills:

    • Classroom management
    • Lesson planning
    • Curriculum development
    • Differentiated instruction
    • Assessment and evaluation
    • Technology integration
    • Student record keeping
    • State standards and benchmarks
    • Special education accommodations
    • Literacy and numeracy development

    Soft Skills:

    • Communication
    • Collaboration
    • Adaptability
    • Creativity
    • Problem-solving
    • Patience
    • Empathy
    • Leadership
    • Time management
    • Critical thinking

    How to List Skills In Your Resume

    When it comes to listing skills on your resume, it’s important to do it strategically in order to catch the attention of potential employers. Here are some tips on how to effectively list your skills on your resume:

    • Make a list of all the skills you possess: Start by brainstorming a list of all the skills you have acquired throughout your education and work experiences. These can be hard skills, such as computer programming or accounting, or soft skills, such as communication or leadership.
    • Tailor your skills to the job: Read through the job description and identify the key skills and qualifications required for the position. Then, tailor your skills list to match those required skills, highlighting the most relevant ones.
    • Organize your skills: Once you have a list of relevant skills, organize them in a way that makes sense. One way to do this is to group similar skills together. For example, you could group your communication skills, including written and verbal communication, together.
    • Use bullet points: Rather than listing your skills in paragraph form, use bullet points to make them stand out. This will make it easier for potential employers to quickly scan your resume and identify your skills.
    • Include context: Simply listing your skills is not enough. You should also include context to showcase how you have used these skills in past experiences. For example, if you list “leadership” as a skill, include a bullet point that describes how you demonstrated leadership in a previous role.
    • Keep it concise: While it’s important to showcase your skills, you don’t want to overwhelm potential employers with too much information. Keep your skills list concise and focused on the most relevant skills for the position.

    By strategically listing your skills on your resume, you can showcase your qualifications and increase your chances of landing an interview.

    How to match your resume skills to the job description

    When applying for a job, it is important to make sure that your resume is tailored to the specific job description. One key way to do this is by matching your skills to the requirements listed in the job posting. Here are some steps to help you match your resume skills to the job description:

    • Review the job posting: Read the job description carefully and highlight the key skills and qualifications that are required for the job. Make sure you have a clear understanding of the responsibilities and expectations of the role.
    • Identify your relevant skills: Look through your own skill set and identify the ones that match the requirements of the job. Try to focus on the skills that are most relevant to the position and highlight them on your resume.
    • Use the same language: Use the same words and phrases that are used in the job description when describing your skills and experience. This can help you to better connect with the employer and make it clear that you have the necessary skills for the job.
    • Quantify your skills: Whenever possible, try to provide specific examples of how you have used your skills in the past. For instance, if the job requires strong communication skills, you could mention how you led a successful team project or presented at a conference.
    • Customize your resume: Once you have identified your relevant skills, customize your resume to highlight those skills. This might mean rearranging the order of your bullet points, adding new sections to your resume, or even creating a new resume altogether.

    By taking the time to match your resume skills to the job description, you can show the employer that you are a strong candidate who has the necessary skills and qualifications for the position. This can increase your chances of getting an interview and ultimately landing the job.


    How many skills should I include on my resume?

    The number of skills you should include on your resume depends on the job you’re applying for and the relevance of your skills to that position. Generally, it’s a good idea to have at least 5-7 skills that directly relate to the job, and you can also include additional transferable skills that can be applied to any position. It’s important to prioritize the most important and relevant skills to the job, rather than including a long list of unrelated skills. This will help ensure that your resume is targeted and focused, and will make it more likely to catch the attention of potential employers.

    What skills should I list if I have no work experience?

    If you have no work experience, it’s important to highlight the skills you have gained through education, volunteering, extracurricular activities, or personal projects. Here are some skills you can list on your resume:

    • Communication skills: This includes the ability to communicate effectively, listen actively, and articulate your ideas clearly.
    • Problem-solving skills: Employers are always looking for candidates who can identify and solve problems. List any experience you have in analyzing data, identifying issues, and proposing solutions.
    • Teamwork and collaboration: Even if you haven’t worked in a professional setting, you may have collaborated with others in group projects, sports teams, or volunteer work.
    • Leadership skills: Have you ever taken charge of a project, led a team, or organized an event? These experiences demonstrate your ability to take on responsibility and lead others.
    • Technical skills: Do you have any experience with specific software programs, coding languages, or design tools? Even if it’s not related to a specific job, technical skills are always valuable.
    • Time management and organization: Employers want to hire people who can manage their time effectively and prioritize tasks. If you have experience with planning and scheduling, be sure to include it on your resume.

    Remember to tailor your resume to the job you’re applying for, and highlight the skills that are most relevant to the position. Even if you don’t have any work experience, showcasing your skills can help you stand out to potential employers.

    How to discover skills the company values?

    Discovering the skills that a company value is an important step in tailoring your resume and preparing for an interview. Here are some ways to uncover the skills that a company prioritizes:

    • Read the job posting carefully: The job description and requirements listed in the posting can give you a good idea of the skills that the company is looking for. Make sure to highlight these skills on your resume and be prepared to discuss them in your interview.
    • Research the company: Look at the company’s website, social media pages, and any news articles about the company to get a sense of its values and priorities. For example, if the company emphasizes innovation and creativity, you may want to highlight your own creativity and problem-solving skills.
    • Check LinkedIn profiles: Look at the LinkedIn profiles of current and former employees to see what skills they list. This can give you an idea of the skills that are valued at the company.
    • Reach out to employees: Consider reaching out to current or former employees to ask about their experience working at the company and what skills they believe are important for success there.

    By using these strategies, you can better understand the skills that a company values and tailor your resume and interview preparation accordingly.

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    Vietnam Teaching Jobs (VTJ), which was founded in 2012 is a well-established platform for teachers to find their dream teaching job in Vietnam. Covering the entirety of the country, we have successfully paired thousands of happy teachers and schools. Be part of the thousands of happy teachers working in Vietnam, register and apply for your dream job today!

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    Vietnam Teaching Jobs (VTJ), which was founded in 2012 is a well-established platform for teachers to find their dream teaching job in Vietnam. Covering the entirety of the country, we have successfully paired thousands of happy teachers and schools. Be part of the thousands of happy teachers working in Vietnam, register and apply for your dream job today!