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How To Call From Vietnam To The US | A Step-by-step Guide

How to call from Vietnam to the US? Making international calls might seem complicated, but with the right steps and information, it becomes quite simple. In this guide, VTJ will walk you through the easiest methods to connect with your friends and family in the US from Vietnam.

How to call from Vietnam to the US | A Step-by-step guide
How to call from Vietnam to the US | A Step-by-step guide

How to call from Vietnam to the US?

To call from Vietnam to the US, there are several methods you can use:

Direct call using 00 (+) prefix

To make a call from Vietnam to the US, dial 00 + 1 + area code + phone number, or you can use +1 + area code + phone number.

Remember to drop the leading zero in the phone number if it exists. When calling a mobile number, you don’t need to include the area code.

Example: From Vietnam to a number in California, US: Dial 001 + 1 + 345 + 1234xxxx or +1 + 345 + 1234xxxx. (1 is the country code for the US, and 345 is the area code for California)

Calling via VolP 131

This is a cheaper option for calling international numbers. If you’re using a MobiFone SIM card in Vietnam, you can use this method.

To call from Vietnam to the US, dial 131 + 00 + 1 + area code + phone number, or +131 + 1 + area code + phone number.

Again, drop the leading zero if it exists.

Explore More: How to call Vietnam from USA: The area code and steps to do

Calling from Vietnam to the US using service packages

Calling from Vietnam to the US using service packages
Calling from Vietnam to the US using service packages

How to call the US from Vietnam with Mobifone?

MobiFone offers international calling packages that give you a set number of minutes to call the US.

After registering for the package, dial 1313 + 00 + country code + area code + phone number to use the minutes.

Example: From Vietnam to California, US, dial 1313 + 001 + 345 + 1234xxxx or +13131345 + 1234xxxx.

Mobifone’s international calling packages: TQT49, TQT99, TQT199, TQT299

How to call from Vietnam to the US using VinaPhone?

VinaPhone offers a simple and convenient service called “171” for international calls.

Dialing Format: 171 + Country code + Area code + Phone number.

How to call from Vietnam to the US using Viettel?

To save on international call costs, registering for a call package with Viettel is a good option. Here’s a simple guide:

Step 1: If you haven’t registered for Viettel’s international calling service, you can start by sending an SMS: QT ON to 133.

Step2: Once registered, you’ll receive a notification and can choose a suitable international call package. There are three ways for you to register for the plan after you have chosen one:

  • Send an SMS: Type the package name and send it to 133.
  • Call customer service: You can contact Viettel’s hotline at 18008198 or 198.
  • Visit Viettel stores: You can also visit any Viettel service center for assistance in registering for a call package.

Viettel’s international calling packages: IFT10, IFT20, QT199, QT1, QT30, TQ10K

Step 3: After registering, use the format: 00 + 1 + Area code + Phone number to make a call.

You can also use online calling apps like Messenger, Zalo, or WhatsApp for free international calls, as long as your phone has internet access.

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Cost of calling the US from Vietnam

  • Calling via 00: The cost is 4,114 VND per minute.
  • Calling via 131: The cost is 3,960 VND per minute.
  • Calling via 1313: The cost is deducted from the minutes provided by your plan, and after those are used up, it’s charged at the 00 rate.

Tips for successfully making a call

Check the phone number and area code: Make sure you have the correct phone number and area code before dialing.

Ensure sufficient balance: Make sure your account has enough credit to cover the call charges.

Mastering the steps to call from Vietnam to the US can save you both time and money. By following the correct dialing formats and choosing cost-effective methods, you can easily stay in touch with your loved ones.

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Vietnam Teaching Jobs
Vietnam Teaching Jobs

Vietnam Teaching Jobs (VTJ) has been the leading voice in Vietnam's educational recruitment since 2012. As the founder and primary content creator, they have successfully connected thousands of international teachers with schools across Vietnam. Their platform combines job opportunities with valuable insights, making it the trusted destination for educators seeking their dream teaching positions in Vietnam

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